Finally, Finally, Finally.
Labels: When you know Jesus, you want others to know Him too :D
-Luke 23:43
We see the opposite responses to Jesus from the two thieves who were crucified next to Him: One blasphemed, the other believed (Luke 23:39-42). We rejoice over the conversion of the one and Christ's words to him: "Today you will be with Me in Paradise" (v.43). Now, as then, Jesus saves those who truly repent - even at "the eleventh hour." (:
One such person was Lester Ezzell, who was on death row in Florida. When his former Sunday school teacher Curtis Oakes travelled 750 miles to visit him in prison, Lester said, "You won't give up, do you?" Though Lester still won't listen to the gospel, Curtis gave him a New Testament and urged him to read it.
Later, Lester wrote several letters to Curtis. The first one brought news of his conversion. His final letter in early 1957 read: "By the time you receive this, my life will have been taken. I will have paid for the wrong I have done. But I want you to know this - with that little Testament, and by the grace of God, I have led 47 people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I just thank you for no giving up on me."
When we witness to others about Jesus Christ, some may not repent until late in life. So, let's never give up on anyone :D
Lord, lay some soul upon my heart,
And love that soul through me;
And may I nobly do my part
To win that soul for Thee